Latest Past Events
August 2nd 2023, “Wine” Down Wednesday
Wednesday August 2nd 2:00-7PM "Wine" Down Wednesday @ Moondrop Winery - This week $3 special is our Gewürztraminer! Did you know that Dancing Kilt Brewery has an Urban Winery? Moondrop Winery is located here at Dancing Kilt making wine, mead, and cider. Come relax with some win and your friends during our weekly “Wine” Down…
August 1st 2023, Stein Night Every Tuesday
Dancing Kilt Celebrates beer release of Lilibet 70 IPA Tuesday August 1st 2:00-7PM Bring in your DKB Stein and enjoy a $3 special of the select beer of the week. Lilibet 70 IPA - This IPA has a smooth front end with a bitter bite on the backend. Bursting with juicy pineapple, tropical notes, and…
July 31, 2023, Virginia Craft Beer Cup Awards
Monday, July 31⋅5:00 – 9:00pm Brewery will be closed due to VA Craft Beer Cup Announcements.